Работа инженет it в Молдова. Найдено 424 свежих вакансий в этом регионе.

Operator call centru EN, IT, FR, PT (de la 1000+%)

  • Молдова
  • 7 часов назад

Avem nevoie de tine dacă:Ești o persoană comunicabilă.Ai un nivel înalt de cunoaștere a Limbii Engleze, Italiene, Franceze sau Portugheze (Cunoașterea altor limbi străine ar fi un avantaj).Ești rezistent la stres.Responsabilități:Identificarea și ...


Graphic Designer

  • Молдова
  • 7 часов назад

... role within a forward-thinking IT company? Join Terranet and become ...



  • Молдова
  • 7 часов назад

Кто мыМы молодая и амбициозная IT-компания. Занимаемся аутсорс-разработкой веб- ...


HR Specialist (Payroll Coordinator)

  • Молдова
  • 7 часов назад

How would you like to team up with colleagues from the Americas, Europe, and Asia? We call ourselves Guardians, and there are over 1800 of us across the world. We understand that each one of our Guardians is unique, each with their own style of working. ...
